by Lizzie | 7th December 2015 | Freelancing
Hands up those of you who think freelancing can never rake in as much money as a cushy corporate job? I’m guessing there are a lot of hands in the air right now, amirite?! Well, if you’re in the camp that thinks “yeah right, AS IF I could earn more...
by Lizzie | 3rd December 2015 | Freelancing
It’s so easy to get complacent in our businesses when we have enough clients, or enough money, or enough free time. These are the things we were gunning for, right? So once we get them we tend to just sit back and relax. But what happens if one of your major clients...
by Lizzie | 30th November 2015 | Freelancing
So often I get emails from readers who want to go freelance but they can’t ever imagine earning enough money to live off. What if I told you it’s totally possible? In fact, it’s not only possible, it’s totally do-able if you think about it in...
by Lizzie | 26th November 2015 | Freelancing
How do you all feel about pitching? Good? Bad? When I first started freelancing I was absolutely terrified of pitching. Partly because I had no idea how to create a perfect pitch, and partly because I was convinced someone was going to laugh in my face (via email, of...
by Lizzie | 23rd November 2015 | Freelancing
Okay, reality check time. There are SO many freelancers out there. In fact, there are more and more every day as we move into a time where contract work is favoured over hiring employees. What does this mean for you? Well, you might be thinking “what’s...
by Lizzie | 19th November 2015 | Freelancing
If you’ve done any sort of research you know that there are TONNES of creative freelancers out there. So many, in fact, that it’s difficult to make your freelance business stand out. But guess what? It’s possible! Let’s face it, there’s...
by Lizzie | 16th November 2015 | Freelancing
A lot of you have asked me how I find work and my methods for pitching new freelance clients. Let’s face it, this is such a huge part of our businesses that it’s sometimes all we can think about (anyone else have dreams about this? No, just me?...
by Lizzie | 12th November 2015 | Freelancing
There are very few people who are in a position where they can just quit their jobs and start freelancing from the bottom. For most of us, it takes time to build up our skillsets, network with potential clients, and generally get our business to where it needs to be...
by Lizzie | 9th November 2015 | Freelancing
✕ Psssttt... Ready to find high-paying clients and build a profitable business? Get your free copy of Win More Clients, a 20+ page eBook that shows you how to get paid more and the secret sauce you need to create a sustainable freelance business Success! Now check...
by Lizzie | 3rd November 2015 | Freelancing
Wow, just wow. I know I say this every single month, but I really, really can’t believe October has gone. I’m pretty sure it was all of two days long, right? Last month was a whirlwind for me both workwise and in my personal life. A lot of things have happened and...
by Lizzie | 27th October 2015 | Freelancing
Let’s face it, you wouldn’t have a freelance business if you didn’t have any clients. They’re kind of the glue that holds it all together. Without them you’d have no work, no money, and therefore no reason to continue down the freelancer path. I get asked a lot about...
by Lizzie | 18th June 2015 | Freelancing
✕ Psssttt... Ready to find high-paying clients and build a profitable business? Get your free copy of Win More Clients, a 20+ page eBook that shows you how to get paid more and the secret sauce you need to create a sustainable freelance business Success! Now check...