How Your Life Can Change in a Year – a Look Back at 2014

Written by Lizzie

Lizzie is a professional business and marketing writer who quit her job back in 2014 to move to Spain and become a freelancer. She's now back in the UK and writing for a roster of clients she absolutely loves as well as running Wanderful World, a site that helps new freelancers set the foundations for a lucrative and long-term career.

December 18, 2014


Well, it’s that time of year where we look back and reflect on all the things we’ve done and, probably more accurately, all the things we didn’t do over the last twelve months. I try not to look at the negatives, instead focusing on the positive – what have I gained? What was the best moment? This year has been overwhelming with the amount of positive changes.

Literally so overwhelming that I don’t even know how or where to begin.

If you’d have told me this time last year that in a mere twelve months I’d be living abroad and be rocking it as a full time freelance travel writer I’d probably have laughed, laughed some more, maybe carried out a thigh slap or two, and then maybe – just maybe – slapped you round the face.

So much has happened this year and I will not hesitate to say that it has probably been the best year of my life… so far. Well, certainly the most successful. And also the scariest. I’ve taken the biggest steps (read: giant leaps) towards living the life I want to.

How a year can change your life

So let’s see.

This is my 2014 – My life-changing year

I moved to Spain

I’ve always wanted to live abroad.

There’s something so romantic about the notion of delving into another culture, learning a new language, and making new friends in a new place. I mean, moving abroad isn’t nearly as romantic as that, but it’s definitely one of the best things I’ve ever done.

At the start of the year my boyfriend and I openly discussed it in the kind of way you openly discuss winning the lottery. Meaning you’re very enthusiastic about it and the good intentions are all there, but it never really comes to fruition.

But at the end of July when the boyfriend landed a job in a small town outside of Barcelona we jumped on it with grabby claws and clung on for dear life.

The hardest part to get over is that I’m really not the adventurous kind of person. I mean, there was that time I did the highest bungee jump in the world, but when it comes to making huge decisions I usually just wait until they are made for me. At least, I did before this year.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH LIZZIE, 2014?

Anyway. This year will always be known as the year I finally sucked it up and moved abroad and I will forever be thankful for that.

I became a freelance writer

You know when you’re growing up and you want pretty much every career you can think of? I’ve wanted to be everything from a vet to a designer – I even wanted to open up a hotdog van that turned into an ice cream van in the summer (I’m still holding out for this). But there was one profession that remained consistent throughout my younger years and right into adulthood.

I wanted to be a writer. Really, really badly.

How your life can change in a year

However, what with the current economy (blah blah blah) and the decline of the industry, it looked like it would never happen. I slaved away on the blog and I wrote a lot for my 9-5 job but I could never see a way to make it into a living.

Then it occurred to me – probably around May this year – that it would never work if I only dangled one toe in. I would never know whether it would work or not until I put myself out there and actually did it, otherwise it would stay a whole load of β€˜what ifs’ and β€˜oh wells’.
So the stars seemed to come together when my boyfriend landed the job and I had some savings and nothing really to tie me down in England.

It was now or never.

Sure, it was scary. A massive change like that is never going to be a walk in the park. But it was something I had wanted to do so badly and for so long that I just knew that I had to make it work. So I did.

I hustled and I worked my butt off. It was bumpy to start with, but I quickly found a smooth and well-oiled path somewhere in the mad melee. Actually, I’m surprised at how easy it’s been… I’m still waiting for someone to knock on my door and smile sweetly before saying, β€œYeah, you don’t deserve this.”

Now that I’m working for myself, I’m in full control of my future and the direction of my career. I’m excited to see how that shapes up in 2015!

I travelled to some awesome places

This year was a good year for travel, too.

How a year can change your life

I rang in the New Year in South Africa, where I spent two weeks meeting my boyfriend’s family. South Africa is one of my favourite countries in the world and I owe it a lot for the lifestyle I lead now – who knows where I’d be now if I didn’t taken that trip along the garden route back when I was eighteen.

How a year can change your life

I ate so much chocolate and drank so much craft beer in Bruges. I’d been to Belgium on a school trip, but that was donkey’s years ago so it was practically a new country for me. The quaint cobbled streets of the historic town really made a dent in my heart and I hope to go back soon.

How a year can change your life

Then there was Slovenia. Oh Slovenia, how I love thee. Who knew that such a small, unpopulated country could be one of the best places in the world? I don’t have a bad word to say about Slovenia at all. Nothing. The people were absolutely wonderful, the scenery was fantastic, the food was good, the culture was amazing. Literally nothing bad.

I do need to get back there pronto and see Lake Bled, though, as I missed that little gem.

How a year can change your life

I did a LOT of walking in Lisbon. I was so excited to visit Lisbon, what with all the talk about street art and old alleyways and a wild underground scene, but for some reason I just didn’t click with it. It was a great experience, though, and I guess I’ll just have to go back and remedy our strained relationship!

How a year can change your life

I took some time out in August in the Isle of Wight to spend time with my family before I moved to Spain. I was practically technology-less for a week and it was bliss.
And then there was Spain.

Living just outside of Barcelona has opened up a whole new world of exciting places that I didn’t even know existed. The Costa Brava is the most picturesque region in Spain and it’s filled to the brim with captivating culture and oh-my-god-give-me-more food. I’ve made it into Barcelona several times and I headed along the coast a bit to Figueres in September, but I plan on seeing much, much more of the area next year.

How a year can change your life

2014 you were one mighty fine, epic year.

The biggest change, though, has been an internal one – urgh, so clichΓ©d, I know. I have direction with my life now; I know what I want to be, where I want to be and, more importantly, who the hell I want to be!

It’s taken a few massive changes to realise these things but it has been well worth the ride.

So, here’s me, raising my glass to 2014. The best, scariest, happiest, craziest year or my life. So far.

What have you achieved in 2014? What were your best bits? Your worst bits? I want to hear all about it!


  1. Tzyganka

    Hi Lizzie,
    I also “always wanted to live abroad” and I’m still doing it. My journey began when my parents took a one year adventure trip from Lima, Peru to Arica, Chile when I was one month old and my sister and brother were 10 and 12 years old respectively. Then, at 17 I assured my parents that I could travel by land on a bus for 24 hours to the border with Chile. They only let me go if I took my 14 years old sister with me which wasn’t easy to convince her that we would have the time of our lives and we surely did!. A year later I motivated three friends from high school to go across country by bus to the border with Ecuador for three weeks staying for five days in each capital city of the northern provinces of Peru and again I learned first hand about all the ancient pre-Inca cultures there. Then, at 24 I made the big jump and went to Australia with a contract for the government to study, work and volunteer with the Aborigines for two years and later renewed for another two years. Prior to moving to “down under” I broke with my boy friend, left my job and my dear family and friends. Four years later the same pattern repeated, left a boy friend, job, friends and went to India to volunteer, did the same plus continued my college study in Israel-Palestine, Greece, Sweden, France and the USA where I currently use as a “base” to continue my wanderings in this beautiful planet where the great majority of people I met while traveling treated me very well and I have fond memories of each one of them. By the way my name “Tzyganka” is Serbio-Croatian for Gypsy!
    I wish all the travelers out there the best in 2015 and talk to the locals, initiate friendships, make connections and keep in touch for a world without wars:)

    • Lizzie

      Wow Tzyganka, you have had such an interesting life! Where has been your favourite place to live out of all of these? There’s still so many places I’d like to call home at some point in my life and my boyfriend and I are in talks about what we want to do next year. The world is our oyster, as they say!

      Thank you for sharing your awesome story and I wish you all the best in 2015 πŸ™‚

  2. Silvia @ Heart My Backpack

    Wow, what an amazing year! It’s so inspiring to read such enthusiasm about where your life is going. I’m really impressed that you made everything work out – and so quickly it seems! Excited to see what 2015 has in store for you ❀
    Silvia @ Heart My Backpack recently posted…20 Countries and 14 DisastersMy Profile

    • Lizzie

      Thank you so much Silvia! It has certainly been an amazing year πŸ™‚

  3. Cityoftheweek

    Hey Lizzie! Quite a year you’ve had!
    I can totally relate to the scary part of Freelancing when you start. This September I had to leave my stable 9-5 job because of financial difficulties at the company. We agreed that I’d go on a six month break and go back in Spring after my final finals are done (I am doing a Mastery on Tourism) and the company will have enough money. The job was OK, I got to travel to new places, but like I said, it was just okay.. Three days after I left the job, I started Freelancing and started thinking about turning my hobby blog of four years into something more serious. For the last three months I have been the happiest with my life as a fresh Freelancer, landing one travel writing job after the other, creating content and learning something new every day. I realized how the job had tied me down, and I couldn’t do anything creative with it (I was/am a travel agent), and how I did nothing to “live out” this burning rage of creating something. And that made me sad.. So I don’t really think I will go back to the company. Freelancing is awesome! It gives you so much freedom πŸ™‚
    Ohhh…sorry for the long comment.
    Loved your post! πŸ™‚
    Cityoftheweek recently posted…4 Tips for Planning a Trip to St. Pete BeachMy Profile

    • Lizzie

      I’m so glad it’s going well for you πŸ™‚ I know what it’s like, having the dream of going freelance and being your own boss, but it’s easy to get comfortable in a job working for someone else. Sometimes you need that little push or change in circumstances to realise that your dreams don’t have to be dreams – they can actually be a reality! Best of luck for the future and happy 2015 πŸ™‚

  4. JanD

    Hi Lizzie
    I love what you say about finding direction in your life. That’s got to be the most important thing one will do in one’s life.
    I’ve not found my direction yet; it keeps changing because of my polymath /multi potentialite nature. However, the best learnings I have had is getting in touch with the traveller in the young version of me (little Jan) – this person that I had forgotten. The other highlight is returning to sketching when travelling (I love doing live sketches of musicians and people waiting for the bus). Yet another one was giving in to my love for insect and bug photography (and taking photos of them as well). One last one is I was given the opportunity to go visit Taiwan twice this year, unexpectedly. I don’t know where all this will lead, but I would like to find more people like you who have similar interest in travel and art, in 2015. It kinda makes me feel supported that there are like minded people. Thanks for reading!
    JanD recently posted…When in Meinong, paint an oil paper umbrella and pound your teaMy Profile

    • Lizzie

      Hi Jan! I’m so glad you managed to get back in touch with the traveller in you… often finding parts of yourself that have “gone missing” is the hardest thing to do, so congrats. And it’s great that you’ve re-kindled your love with sketching whilst travelling. As you well know, I hugely admire people who can do this!

    • Lizzie

      It certainly was a difficult year to beat! Here’s to a fab 2015 for you, too πŸ™‚

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